Circle of Life

Remember how we learnt a water cycle and a carbon cycle and a biomass cycle in school. Life is cyclic too, it seems.

Three years back, I wrote this post sitting exactly where I am sitting today, hoping to go somewhere. I was then working for our family business.

And today, having been there done that, I am back, starting a new innings again, and would rather be nowhere else. As they say, life comes a full circle


Mugdha said…
And here's wishing you best-est luck for the new venture of dear old life....
And also, as you sit at that very place, writing again, I hope you do get what u wish this year, as you did then!!

Cheerz for the beginning again!

Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
I often feel a déjà vu but I do think we are changing a lot, and situation are never exactly the same...
Ships said…
Why the semicolon in the circle of life? You should blog often...

Isnt that something you kept telling me! So its my turn to remind you... back to sqaure one... Full circle indeed! :)
Anonymous said…
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

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